Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rough and Tough Powder Puff

Hey everyone! Yesterday, the Juniors and Seniors from my school suited up and competed in the annual Powder Puff game! What's Powder Puff you may ask? It's two all girl American football teams, played with flags instead of tackling. This game is highly anticipated each year, and we practice for months! Girls from 11th grade and 12th grade battle to win and students and parents come out to support their favorite grade.
There is always a lot of competition between the grade, and the coaches for each team and actual football players from the same grade as the girls. That way, each person can work and play with their friends.
It was a very tough game, and unfortunately the Seniors won and the Juniors lost. Since I am a Junior I wanted to win, but I had so much fun that it didn't matter if I won or lost. It was just a great way to get involved with other students from my grade and the rest of the school!

What school activities do you participate in? Let me know in the comments!


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