Friday, April 12, 2013

Events and Education

Hey everyone! Although AP tests are just around the corner, the seniors of Laguna Hills High School can still have fun and stay involved on campus. Three big events have happened on my campus recently that all the students are loving taking part in!

The first event was International Week. Students from all four grades represented different countries from around the world. At lunch, there were dances and music from countries along with a booth set up to display food from that country that students could eat! It was a great way for students to learn more about foreign nations while staying at school and eating yummy food! Check out the pictures below of some of the booths. There was even a Norway one!

The Peru booth that I worked
The Mexico booth
The Norway Booth
Next was the Powderpuff football game. This is where the girls of the oldest grade (the seniors) play the 2nd oldest grade (the juniors) in a flag football game. It is a great way for all the girls in one class to bond, increase school spirit, and learn good leadership and sportsmanship. Plus, it is so fun to run around the field with girls from your school. Of course, the seniors always want to beat the juniors and there is a big rivalry the entire week of school leading up to the game. This year, my grade the seniors won! It was great to win because it is the last Powderpuff game I will ever play in! Check out some pictures below!

Official Jersey Shirts
Finally is the API dance. When our school does really well on state testing at the end of each school year, our school rewards us with a free casual dance! Casual dances are always fun because everyone dresses up according to a theme and dances the night away in the school gym. This year the theme was Tropic Like It's Hot (drop it like it's hot pun, clever I know) so all the students dressed in rainforest attire! My friends and I dressed as rainforest animals. Check out the pictures below!

The Theme Poster

As you can tell, school has been keeping me busy, both socially and academically. I can't wait to move onto the next academic aspect of my life, college!

How do you socialize during a busy week? Let me know in the comments!


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